Nikolaj Lyubetskii
Leading Researcher
PhD (Engineering)
Department: Physics and technics laboratory
Belarusian State University, Institute for Nuclear Problems, 220006, Minsk, Belarus, Bobruiskaya str., 11
, 203
Phone: (17) 357-82-20
Page at Google Academy
Selected papers:
Journal articles:
- Azaryan, N.S. Measurement of Microwave Parameters of a Superconducting Niobium Cavity / N. S. Azaryan, M. A. Baturitskii, Yu. A. Budagov, D. L. Demin, S. E. Dem′yanov, V. A. Karpovich, V. V. Kniga, R. M. Krivosheev, N. V. Lyubetskii, S. I. Maksimov, I. L. Pobol′, V. N. Rodionova, G. D. Shirkov, N. M. Shumeiko S. V. Yurevich // J Eng Phys Thermophy 90, 242–249 (2017).
- Mikhnev, V.A., Lyubetskii, N.V. & Palto, A.A. An advanced method for determining the wall thickness in buildings. Russ J Nondestruct Test 41, 34–38 (2005).
- Deshchenko, G.N., Lyubetskii, N.V. & Palto, A.A. Effect of Antenna Suspension Altitude in a Ground Penetrating Radar on Received Signal. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing 37, 326–330 (2001).
- Mikhnev, V. A., & Lyubetskii, N. V. (1996). Polarization method of checking the thickness of dielectric coatings on metals with the use of a dielectric waveguide transducer. Russian journal of nondestructive testing, 32(7), 577-581.
- Konev, V. A., Tikhanovich, S. A., & Lyubetskii, N. V. (1990). Type ANB-641 SHF density meter for dielectrics. Soviet Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 25(6), 404-407.
- Konev, V. A., Lyubetskii, N. V., & Tikhanovich, S. A. (1986). The ANB-640 radio wave ellipsometer-densimeter. Sov. J. Nondestr. Test. (Engl. Transl.); (United States), 21(5).
- Konev, V.A., Lyubetskii, N.V. & Tseitlin, Y.M. Thickness checking for thin metal films. Meas Tech 27, 893–895 (1984).
- Lyubetskii, N. V., Pun’ko, N. N., & Konev, V. (1984). Measurement of Permittivity of Metal Coatings. Vestsi Akad. Navuk BSSR, Fiz.-Tekh., (1), 100-103.
Conference proceedings:
- N. Azaryan, J. Boudagov, D. Demin, G. Shirkov, M. Baturitsky, N. Shumeiko, V. Karpovich, R. Krivosheev, N. Liubetsky, S. Maximov, V. Rodionova (2013, June). Superconducting single-cell RF-cavity for ILC accelerator. In 2013 International Kharkov Symposium on Physics and Engineering of Microwaves, Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves (Kharkov, 23-28 June 2013) pp. 664-666. IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/MSMW.2013.6622167
- N. S. Azaryan, M. A. Baturitskii, Yu. A. Budagov, D. L. Demin, S. E. Dem′yanov, V. V. Glagolev, E. Yu. Kanyukov, V. A. Karpovich, R. D. Kepkhart, N. V. Lyubetskii, S. I. Maksimov, S. Nagaitsev, L. Ristori, V. N. Rodionova, G. D. Shirkov, and N. M. Shumeiko, Creation and testing of stands for SHF measurements of niobium high-frequency cavities at room temperature and at the liquid helium temperature, XVII Sci. Conf. OMUS-2013 dedicated to the centennial of V. P. Dzhelepov, April 8–12, 2013, Dubna (2013), pp. 106–109.
- Azaryan, N., Boudagov, J., Demin, D., Shirkov, G., Baturitsky, M., Karpovich, V., Liubetsky N, Maximov S, Rodionova V.N., Kolosov S., Kurayev A., Sinitsyn A., Petrakovsky v., Pobol I., Pokrovsky A., Yurevich S., Zhuravsky A., Demyanov S., Kanyukov E., Kephart B. Kurayev, A. (2012). Dubna-Minsk activity on the development of 1.3 GHz superconducting single-cell RF-cavity. RuPAC, Contributions to the proceedings — 23rd Russian particle accelerator conference (Saint-Petersburg, 24-28 September 2012) 12, 602.
- Lubetsky, N., Mikhnev, V., and Palto, A., A Portable Step-Frequency Radar for the Nondestructive Visualization of Building Constructions, in Proceedings of the Int. Symp. on Non-Destructive Testing in Civil Engineering (NDT-CE), Berlin, September 16–19, 2003, session Radar 2, CD.
- N. S. Azaryan, Yu. A. Budagov, G. D. Shirkov, D. L. Demin, N. M. Shumeiko, M. A. Baturitskii, V. A. Karpovich, N. V. Lyubetskii, V. N. Rodionova, S. I. Maksimov, and R. M. Krivosheev, RB Patent No. 9583, MPK N01 R5/00, published 13.03.2013, Byull. No. 5.
- Pat. 2514557 IPC 5G 01B 11/06 A Method of measuring the thickness of thin films on substrates / Konev V. A., Punko N. N., Lyubetskij N V: № 00684299; Appl. 20.07.1977; Publ 05.09.1979