photo of Sergei Agafonov

Sergei Agafonov


Department: Laboratory of high density physics
Address: Belarusian State University, Institute for Nuclear Problems, 220006, Minsk, Belarus, Bobruiskaya str., 11 , 207
Phone: (017)240-42-77

Selected papers:

  1. A. Gurinovich et al., «Electrically driven wideband sources for equipment vulnerability tests" / Alexandra Gurinovich, Vladimir Baryshevsky, Dmitry Baryshevsky, Sergei Agafonov, Andrey Borisevich, Alexei Belov, Igor Vasiliev, Victor Evdokimov // 2013 European Microwave Conference, Nuremberg, 2013, pp. 191-194.doi: 10.23919/EuMC.2013.6686623
  2. Ahafonov, S.I. Facility for the radiometric research of the sorption effectivity of fibrous materials, selective in regard of radio cesium / S.I. Ahafonov, A.E. Borysevich, A.S. Lobko //