The school-conference is POSTPONED to August, 2022.
The organizing committee wishes everyone good health and is looking forward to seeing you at the same place in 2022.
KEY Organizers
- Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia)
- Institute for Nuclear Problems of Belarusian State University (Minsk, Belarus)
- Alexander Shumilin (SCST, Minsk, Belarus, Co-Chairman)
- Victor Matveev (JINR, Dubna, Co-Chairman)
- Sergey Maksimenko (INP BSU, Minsk, Belarus, Chairman)
- Julia Fedotova (INP BSU, Minsk, Belarus, Vice-Chairman)
- Alexander Lobko (INP BSU, Minsk, Belarus, Vice-Chairman)
Scientific TOPICS
- Modern and future experiments at leading accelerator centers,
- Non-accelerator physics, astrophysics and cosmology,
- Theoretical relativistic nuclear physics,
- Modern computational methods in particle physics,
- Accelerator light sources and their applications,
- New trends in accelerator engineering, nuclear electronics, nuclear energy, material science, radiation biology and medicine and other applications of nuclear technologies.
All students are invited to contribute original research papers as posters.
The School-Conference will be held at the “Ozerny” sanatorium. The sanatorium is a resort hotel located at the picturesque countryside on the bank of the Beloe lake surrounded by a pine forest, about 15 minutes drive east of Grodno city.
Address: Sanatorium “Ozerny”, 231753, Grodno region, p/o Ozery, Belarus
Web-site: http://ozerny.by/en/
Tel.: + 375 15 798510, + 375 15 798525,
Fax.: + 375 15 798550
e-mail: ozerny@ozerny.by
Total of about 120 participants is expected to take part in the School-Conference. Persons wishing to attend should register at the website. In case of any problems the applicants are welcome to contact the School Secretaries.
Official invitations will be sent after reviewing of the applications.
The school-conference is POSTPONED to August, 2022.
The participation in School-Conference will be supported by Organizing Committee:
• for invited speakers,
• for participants from JINR, JINR member states and Belarus within institution quotas.
The Organizing Committee will cover the following expenses:
• transportation (from Minsk airport and Grodno railway station to “Ozerny” and back),
• accommodation and meals,
• social program.
English is the working language of the School-Conference and publications.
The selected contributions will be published in peer-reviewed journal. The details will be available later.
Citizens of 74 countries may visit Belarus without entry visas for up to 30 days only via the checkpoint “Minsk National Airport”, excluding flights from the Russian Federation.
For more information please refer to: http://mfa.gov.by/en/visa/visafreetravel/
If you need Belarusian visa the consulate petition letter will be provided by organizers.
INP BSU: Vladimir Makarenko (scientific secretary), e-mail: makarenko@hep.by
Tel: +375 17 2264221, +375 29 6161803
JINR: Elena Rusakovich (scientific secretary), e-mail: rusakovich@jinr.ru
Tel: +7 49621 63890, Fax: +7 49621 65992